A selection of confessional pieces including unfortunate holidays and unusual jobs
““When Adam leant over and whispered: ‘This trip is going to be hell,’ I probably should have marched off the plane without a backward glance.””
‘Whether he ever knew he got the workers he deserved, remains a mystery. Whether he ever knew I deleted almost all his subscribers by accident is another.’
‘Its dim, dank interior soon revealed that its few users were either desperate, drunk or recently injected – the detritus that slipped beneath the radar of a ‘respectable’ Home Counties town.’
'But surely her real beauty had been more than skin deep, however much more skin there now was'
'We were stuck in the blackest of black comedies. Less funny ha-ha, more funny deep psychological damage.’
‘Aside from a drink problem, I discovered I had trenchfoot, yellow fever and tennis elbow.’