A few blog posts…
When you are struggling financially, negative feelings about your self-worth are often created or intensified which lead to behaviour that only makes the situation worse. It’s a vicious circle where your mood plunges in tandem with the growth of your overdraft.
Goods for life have long given way to throwaway products designed to spontaneously combust the day their warranty expires. Overnight queues for iPhone upgrades or celebrity clothes ranges highlight the epidemic of shopping till you drop. With all these possessions ending up in landfill sites or the bottom of the oceans, we don’t need David Attenborough to warn us about the dangers of excess waste…
'Twice as many women seek therapy and not because men are better at dealing with life’s slings and arrows.’
We appear to be living in turbulent times. Indeed, many of my clients have reported feeling despair and frustration about the dark metaphorical clouds they see gathering about us. But I, for one, believe there is light behind the gloom…
Bereavement counselling tackles an issue most of us avoid thinking about. The death of a loved one may be as inevitable as life itself, but few are prepared when it comes.
A colleague of mine once described falling in love as ‘a kind of madness.’ Falling out of love, I believe, can also seem like a temporary form of insanity. Surviving well and limiting the damage are often key to returning to normality relatively unscathed.
Clients often confess to having low self-esteem. Its importance cannot be underestimated – it is key to negotiating the trials of life.
A rewarding job usually involves a lot more than the size of your paycheque. Spending a large proportion of our life doing something we often don’t enjoy can seriously undermine the quality of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way…
The black clouds of depression have haunted us since humans first trod the Earth.